Metal roof tile
marcel modul 8019 matmarcel modul hover
This is a small metal tile, two waves long. This significantly reduces the amount of waste during installation, which is a significant advantage over the sheet version of the tile.
sycylia modul 8019 matsycylia modul hover
This is a small metal tile, two waves long. This significantly reduces the amount of waste during installation, which is a significant advantage over the sheet version of the tile.
marcel 8019 matmarcel modul hover
Metal roof tile "Marsel" has a classic type of profile, reminiscent of traditional ceramic tiles.
sycylia 8019 matsycylia modul hover
Metal roof tile "Sicilia" has a classic type of profile, reminiscent of traditional ceramic tiles. It fits perfectly into the castle, which has a capillary stream for drainage, thus gaining the greatest popularity among consumers.
victoria 8019 matvictoria hover
Metal roof tile "Victoria" has a classic type of profile, reminiscent of traditional ceramic tiles. It fits perfectly into the castle, which has a capillary stream for drainage, thus gaining the greatest popularity among consumers.