Still don’t understand how to find PSB-S-25 among all these EPS brands?

We explain why expanded polystyrene is EPS, and how not to make a mistake in the “new” labeling of foam.

The “old” DSTU B V.2.7-8-94, in which polystyrene foam plates were marked with the abbreviation PSB-S, followed by a number called “brand”: 15, 25, 35 and 50, has lost its validity.

Today, the new DSTU B EN 13163:2012 “Construction materials. Thermal insulation products from expanded polystyrene (EPS). Technical conditions”, which meets European standards and is aimed at improving the quality of expanded polystyrene products in Ukraine. This standard uses a completely different marking – thermal insulation products are marked with compressive strength indices.

An approximate correspondence between the “old” labeling system and the “new” one used in Europe is shown in the table below. We can clearly observe that several “new types” correspond to each of the “old brands”. So, we can conclude that the European marking system is more accurate for comparing and choosing thermal insulation products.

The DSTU B EN 13163:2012 standard is included in the “List of national standards that, in the case of voluntary application, are proof of compliance of products with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of Construction Products, Buildings and Structures”, approved by the Ministry of Community Development and Territories of Ukraine. Therefore, in order to guarantee the quality and operational durability of EPS foamed polystyrene, we recommend that you ask the manufacturers for certificates of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and DSTU B EN.

You can read more about the DSTU B EN 13163:2012 standard in the “Documentation” section.

The styrofoam produced by Eurobud is manufactured according to the current standard DSTU B EN 13163:2012!
